Looking for more ways to promote your event? Visit the Universities Marketing page on Sodexo Net.



From the promotion's signature foods to a variety of refreshed advertising and marketing materials, you'll have all the tools you need to host a truly memorable promotion. Please note that you can implement Cram Jam as a standalone event, or you can cross-plan it with one of the core promotions.

You can find a link to the Quick Start Promotion Overview below, which provides a snapshot at this fun event. Due to the promotion's specific nature and flexible timing, Cram Jam is designed to focus specifically on the resident dining component of your university's dining program.


Resident Dining Events

CRAM JAM provides you with a number of opportunities to showcase the quality, value and added excitement of your resident dining program.

Following are links to the various Quick Start Sheets for each of the key resident dining activities for this promotion. While all of these activities can be implemented in any order, we recommend that you review each event thoroughly, since some are designed to be run on a single evening while others can extend over several days.


  • Boostin' Up Energy Bar Quick Start Sheet (With COVID-19 Activity Modifications)

  • "Jam" Fest Quick Start Sheet (With COVID-19 Activity Modifications)

  • Late Night Break-Fast Quick Start Sheet (With COVID-19 Activity Modifications)

  • Study Free Fun Zone Quick Start Sheet (With COVID-19 Activity Modifications)

There are a variety of advertising and marketing tools (found under Marketing Templates) that you can use to support all activities during your Cram Jam promotion.

Click here to access all Cram Jam Marketing Templates

Additional materials to help you celebrate CRAM JAM are available for order through Sodexo Print Management.